Pressures in control for 70 years!

Pressures in control for 70 years!
Expertise and extensive experience in pressure equipment
We are one of the oldest and most experienced manufacturers of pressure equipment in Finland. We have been accumulating experience since 1951, and to date, we have delivered more than 600,000 pressure equipment units.
Our extensive experience forms the basis of our professional and skilled service. We manufacture pressure equipment from units with a volume of a couple of litres to units with a volume of several cubic metres, according to customer needs.
Our strength lies in being completely customer oriented. We offer our clients design service, technical expertise and decades of know-how, as well as full compliance with standards, and management of licences. We are committed to earning the trust of our current and new clients every day.

Innovative product development
The weakest link in the processes tends to be equipment that is subject to constant or cyclic stress. The problems encountered typically include fault sensitivity or fouling. Therefore, our product development takes these and other important variables into account early on in the design process. Our product development and our reliable manufacturing techniques enable us to produce equipment with very long life-cycles.

Design according to customer needs
Our product development and design department understands customer needs and ensures that projects are successfully implemented and potential problems resolved early on in the design stage.
Our design and product development units serve our customers throughout the entire production process, from the offer stage to the delivery of the product.
Our goal is to find a solution that serves the client, complies with the required classifications and standards, and offers the best value for money.

FEM analysis as an aid
We use FEM analysis in the design of pressure equipment. This can be used to calculate the endurance and fatigue life of a product, and to optimise material strengths and structures. The FEM analysis makes it easier for us to identify potential risks during the design stage and enables us to achieve long life-cycles for the equipment.
Versatile welding processes
The manufacturing and production quality of pressure equipment is essentially linked to the welding processes used. The development of the basic materials has placed new requirements on welding practices. Consequently, the choice and use of the correct welding process, filler material, preheating method, and post-weld heat treatment crucially contribute to successful welds and the properties of joints.

Maintenance of first-class welding expertise is our priority
Since 1986, we have systematically maintained and developed our welding expertise. We currently use more than 400 different welding processes, and our core competencies are the TIG, MAG and SAW processes. Thanks to the welding procedure tests that we have developed, we can meet the strictest industry requirements, whether for strength properties or impact energy values.
Standards management
Standards management
Our expertise is complemented by our certified quality and environmental management systems, and manufacturing licences in several countries. Thanks to our competent management of classifications, licences and standards, our pressure vessels can be found in more than 100 countries.
We manufacture vessels in accordance with the pressure equipment directive (PED) of the EU and the EN 13445 standard.
We also manufacture pressure equipment in compliance with the following classifications:
- PED 2014/68/EU, EN13445, EN13480; EN12952; modules G, H, H1, A2
- SPV 2014/29/EU; EN286; modules B and C2.
- ASME BPVC Section VIII Division 1, U stamp
- National Board Inspection Code and NB-415, R stamp
- National Board (NB)
- Canadian Register Number (CRN), Canada
- EAC (TP TC032/2013 GOST34347-2017) (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia)
- American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), USA
- Occupational Health and Safety Authority (AS1210), Australia
- Bureau Veritas (BV), France
- China Classification Society (CCS), China
- Det Norske Veritas (DNV GL), Norway (Class I, II and III)
- Korean Register of Shipping (KRS), Korea
- Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (LR), England (Class 2.1)
- Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK), Japan
- Registro Italiano Navale (RINA), Italy
- Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS), Russia
- Other standards by agreement

Contact information
Our email addresses are in the form firstname.lastname@pvtech.fi
Contact Us
Pressure Vessel Tech Oy
Teollisuustie 2
33960 Pirkkala
(Aurajoki Oy's property)
Telephone: +358 10 2020 180
Our email addresses are in the form firstname.lastname@pvtech.fi
Opening hours Mon-Fri 8 AM - 4 PM